Faith Bible Church
Faith Bible Church

Our Church's Covenant

Having received the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior, we joyfully covenant with God and with each other as one body in Christ:


          to faithfully gather together for worship, study and fellowship,


          to give regularly and cheerfully to support the work of the Lord at                   home and abroad,


          to practice the ordinances of baptism and communion,


          to have a daily time of Bible reading and prayer,


          to be a good witness by our walk with the Lord and by telling others               about Christ,


          to follow the guidelines of God’s word on our relationship with fellow             believers in Christ (Matthew 18:15-17), and


          to maintain a close-knit fellowship of believers by remembering each             other in prayer and by demonstrating a caring, friendly spirit for one               another.


If we move from this area, to unite with a good, Bible-believing church of the same faith and practice.



Where to Find Us:

Faith Bible Church
799 Mantua Grove Road
Thorofare, NJ 08086

Phone: (609) 506-3838



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